Thursday, Sept. 22nd, 3:30 to 6 p.m.

Topic: Within the frame of the conference, it is intended to deal with fields of mathematics at an easily understandable level, which are not included in the usual class-work. By this, we want to initiate interest for mathematics and to illustrate its connections to real life.

Target group: Students of upper secondary schools who share an interest in mathematics and teachers of mathematics.

(Provisional) programme:
3:30 – 4:10: Mag Gerhard Hainscho (BORG Wolfsberg): "Towards infinity ... and beyond"
4:10 – 4:50 Dipl-Math Silvia Schwarze (Univ. Göttingen): "Playing across street traffic"
4:50 – 5:00 short pause
5:00 – 5:20 Infineon Technologies Villach AG: "Mathematics at Infineon Technologies"
5:20 – 6:00 Dr Ilse Fischer (Univ. Wien): "The mathematics behind the cheese-box game"